Unicum. Stories at the Museum

Exhibition of ancient art at the City Museum, curated by Massimo Pulini

From 7 May to 13 June; from 18 June to 31 August; from 6 August to September

The exhibition of ancient art, curated by Massimo Pulini, gives you the chance to admire unique works for quality and refinement. Emerged from the international antiquarian scene and investigated from a historical and philological point of view, they represent real unveiled jewels: Benedetto Gennari (1633-1715) with the Madonna and child for the court of England (from 7 May to 13 June); Simone Cantarini (1612-1648), The rediscovered portrait of Alessandro Tassoni (18 June - 31 August) and finally Guido Reni (1575-1642) with Landscape with Cupids (from 10  September to 31 October).
Due to their historical importance and their provenance from important collecting contexts, these works are deeply linked to the events of our artistic culture.
The Unicum project owes its name to the choice to exhibit a single work in the Manica Lunga, on the first floor of the City Museum.
The single paintings will therefore take turns occupying the 'scenic' space set up by the Cumo Mori Roversi architecture studio in 2020 for the exhibition of the Madonna Diotallevi, a youthful masterpiece by Raphael, unfortunately penalized by the imposed closures due to Covid19.
The subtitle is 'Racconti al Museo' (Stories at the Museum), since the paintings proposed by the exhibition trigger historical, artistic and biographical narratives of particular interest and curiosity. Their narrative potential, for which they were chosen, has the ability to fertilize and enrich the city museum of Rimini in an open dialogue with the other works on display and in particular with the seventeenth century.


Museo della Città 'Luigi Tonini, via Tonini 1 - Rimini historic centre