Simone Cantarini. The rediscovered portrait of the poet Alessandro Tassoni

'Unicum. Tales at the Museum', curated by Massimo Pulini

from 19 June to 31 August 2021

As part of the Unicum exhibition, the painting Tassoni's portrait by Simone Cantarini is on show at the City Museum till the end of August.
The artist, known as Simone il Pesarese, restless and rebellious pupil of the painter Guido Reni, is one of the greatest exponents of seventeenth-century classicism. Cantarini possessed a talent that he showed in recognized interpretative qualities, whether he addressed to great religious themes or he devoted himself to portraits. According to the curator Massimo Pulini, the painting on show appears to be the one which was mostly influenced by the school of Guido Reni.


City Museum - Manica Lunga, via Tonini, 1 - Rimini historic centre