Benedetto Gennari. A Madonna with Child for the Court of England

Unicum. Tales at the Museum by Massimo Pulini

7 May to 13 June 2021

The Madonna with Child, by Benedetto Gennari opens the exhibition of ancient art 'Unicum. Racconti al Museo ', set up in the Manica Lunga space by architects Mori Cumo Roversi.

Benedetto Gennari (1633-1715) was a refined and virtuous painter who worked long and copiously for three kings and three queens during the seventeenth century, in an exciting and dramatic period for Europe rich of alliances and conflicts.

Passed through a Portuguese auction, under the name of Mater amabilis, the painting was immediately recognized for its qualities: from the playful naturalness of the child holding out the rose, to the enchanting maternal sweetness of the mother's face; from the soft draperies to the colour of the faces, everything tells that the hand is that of Benedetto Gennari, when he was at the court of the Stuarts, as evidenced by a Note of his paintings in London from 1674 to 1688.

Guided tours of the Benedetto Gennari - Madonna and child exhibition for the court of England take place every Sunday starting from 16 May at 5 pm, with reservations required.




Museo della Città 'Luigi Tonini, via Tonini 1 - Rimini historic centre