Guido Reni. "Landscape with playing Cherubs"

Unicum. Tales at the Museum, curated by Massimo Pulini

from 10 September to 31 October 2021

As part of the Unicum exhibition. Tales at the Museum, the painting by Guido Reni, Landscape with cupids, is presented.

The work is a landscape with Scherzi di amorini (Jokes of Cherubs) (oil on canvas, 77x60), re-emerged on the antiques market and already attributed to Francesco Albani (or to his school), and is now recognized as a rare masterpiece of Guido Reni's early production, commissioned by Odoardo Farnese with a provenance from the secret dressing rooms of the Palazzetto Farnese.

The very refined hand is, according to the scholar Massimo Pulini, that of Guido Reni (Bologna, 1575-1642): “a careful and fluid hand, capable of descending into botanical details and of maintaining an algid, clear chromatic register; to move all the virtuosity of the pictorial orchestra without losing even for a moment the harmony of the whole ".


Manica Lunga del Museo della Città, via Tonini, 1 - Rimini historic centre