Kit del viaggiatore / the Traveler Kit




The city of Rimini in many maps!
Find your route and create your own itinerary of the heart ...
From the most hidden corners to historical-artistic routes
Events, shopping and meeting points
The 10 things not to be missed
The ideal? Discover Rimini riding a bike

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Things to do 2021

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La città di Rimini in tante mappe!
Trova il tuo percorso e crea il tuo itinerario del cuore…
Dagli angoli più nascosti, ai percorsi storico-artistici
Eventi, shopping e meeting point
Le 10 cose da non perdere
L’ideale? Scoprire Rimini in sella ad una bicicletta

PDF download: Guida della città


Cose da fare 2022

Tanti appuntamenti fra musica, cultura, arte, spettacolo e sport

PDF download: Cose da fare 2022



Die Stadt Rimini in vielen Etappen!
Finden Sie Ihren Weg und schaffen Sie Ihren Lieblingsroute…
Von den verstecktesten bis zu den historisch-künstlerischen Ecken
Veranstaltungen, Shopping und Treffpunkte
Die 10 Sachen, die Sie nicht verpassen können
Das Ideale? Rimini beim Radfahren zu entdecken

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Veranstaltungskalender 2021

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La ville de Rimini dans de nombreux plans!
Trouvez votre parcours et créez l’itinéraire de votre coeur…
Des coins les plus cachés aux parcours historico-artistiques
Evénements, shopping et meeting point
Les 10 choses à ne pas manquer
L’idéal? Découvrir Rimini montés sur un vélo

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Choses à faire 2021

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Город Римини на многих картах!
Выберите свой маршрут и создайте свою уникальную прогулку ...
От самых скрытых уголочков до историко-художественных маршрутов
События, покупки и встречи
10 обязательных посещений
Идеальная прогулка? Откройте для себя Римини на велосипеде.

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Чем заняться в 2019 году

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什么是最理想的? 骑自行车探索里米尼

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Stradario di Rimini / Map of Rimini
Per orientarti in città ecco la mappa con lo stradario / To find your way around the town, here is the map of Rimini.

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Elenco degli alberghidella città   /    Accommodation guide 
Clicca per consultarlo on-line               Search on line​



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Il materiale è distribuito anche dagli uffici turistici di Rimini

The publications are free-of-charge. You can download them
When available in paper format,  just ask them to to receive them.
They are also distributed by the tourist information offices in Rimini.