Rimini Harbour

Rimini port canal was created at the original mouth of the Marecchia river. It counts 158  moorings.
Only boats with maximum length of 18 mt are allowed. 
The canal is from 2,40 to 4,50 mt deep. 
The stretch of the canal between the bridge of the railway and the Roman bridge of Tiberius allows the mooring of many boats  no more than 1,25 mt high from the water level. 

Different activities bound to fishery are on the left-hand-side of the canal: from shipyards to machine shops, from the wholesale fish market to marine shops.
On the right-hand-side is the beautiful white lighthouse, that is 27 mt high and its light extends for more than 15 miles. It was built on the foundations of the old lighthouse first erected in 1754 and destroyed during the Second World War.

After 6 years of silence, on the East pier of the port, the Nautophone (foghorn) was brought back in 2019. It is an acoustic signaling device, useful for navigation in foggy weather and poor visibility. It was placed at the channel entrance, for the purpose of precise identification, however, the signal is audible even from a great distance.
It is considered one of the symbols of the marine and citizen identity of Rimini.
The last stretch of the east pier, the historic 'Palata', has been recently embellished to allow you to walk safely and admire the seascape. The pier is the place that inspired the director Fellini, with the nocturnal appearance of the ocean liner Rex, in his famous film 'Amarcord'.