Since 2005 Rimini Tourist Board has offered a service which gives the chance to disabled people to use, during their stay, special wheelchairs for the beach.
The chairs available can go into the sea and they have special wheels suitable for every kind of ground (sand, stones, etc).
Since then, beach attendants have expanded the service and now various types of beach chairs are available in many bathing establishments. For information:
>Cooperative Bagnini, rispettively for the southern area the Centro Direzionale Spiaggia - Bagno 59, piazza Pascoli 2 - tel/ fax +39 0541.381548 and for the nothern area the Cooperativa Bagnini di Viserba - Bagno 44 tel/fax +39 0541.736421
>Consorzio Romagna Network: +39 0541 389308 info@spiaggiarimini.net
Since July 2014, a beach chair service for people with disabilities is also available at the free beach in Piazzale Boscovich (Rimini's canal harbour)
The service, proposed by the Associazione Ondanomala Società Cooperativa Sociale onlus, makes available a beach chair (labelled 'Sole Mare') of the orthopedic shop Adjutor, in order to allow people in wheelchairs to reach the water easily proceeding after the end of the walkway and also to have a swim.
The wheel-chair service is active every day in Summer, from 10am to 12.30pm and from 2.30pm to 5.30pm and it is free-of-charge.
For information and reservations you can call +39 320 0953596 ondanomala.rn@libero.it .
In case of need you can ask our tourist information offices for information +39 0541.53399.
The service is also available on demand on the free beach 'Colonia Bolognese' in Miramare, south of Rimini.
Beach Chair for disabled people

Beach Chair for disabled people
info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it