Antico/Presente Festival del Mondo Antico - Ancient World Festival

20th edition

12th, 13th e 14th October 2018
Multiple Events

Three days of meetings, round tables, book presentations, guided tours, exhibitions ... around the relationship between the West and the East, an eternal field of confrontation, collision and encounter, yesterday and today, from antiquity to the contemporary world. With a focus on the era of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, on the 550th anniversary of his death (October 9th 1468), and on a world that, between the fifties and sixties of the fifteenth century, was about to radically change going from the end of the half millennium to modernity. 
Children will also be involved with the traditional "Piccolo Mondo Antico Festival" with fun activities at the Museum.
As regards the students, they will be once again reserved an independent moment with the authors in order to discuss the History reinterpreted with the eyes of contemporaneity.
The opening of the Festival is entrusted to Marta Cartabia and Luciano Violante with a lectio magistralis on the theme "Justice and Myth".
Among the partecipants: Marco Bertozzi, Marco Biscione, Giovanni Brizzi, Franco Cardini, Giuseppe Cascarino, Silvio Castiglioni, Lia Celi, Monica Centanni, Jonny Costantino, Roberto M. Danese, Oreste Delucca, Alberto De Simone, Marcello Di Bella, Massimo Donattini, Johnny Farabegoli,  Massimo Giuliani, Marco Guidi, Panagiotis Kourniakos (Università di Colonia), Mario Lentano, Vito Mancuso, Valerio Massimo Manfredi, Adolfo Morganti, Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli, Alireza Nasser Eslami, Angelo Panebianco, Patrizia Passerini, Antonella Prenner, Giorgio Ravegnani, Giovanni Ricci, Luigi Russo, Silvia Ronchey, Andrea Santangelo, Angelo Scarabel, Elisa Tosi Brandi, Natalino Valentini, Laurent Vissière (Paris 4 Sorbonne), Michael W. Wyatt (Stanford University). 


Museo della Città 'Luigi Tonini, via Tonini 1 - Rimini historic centre
free except for certain events