Festival del Mondo Antico: Le cose di Sigismondo

The inventory of the Sigismondo Pandolfo's assets drawn up by Isotta on October 13th, 1468

From Tuesday 9th October to Sunday 25th November 2018

After Sigismondo's death, his wife Isotta degli Atti fulfilled a law that in Rimini required widows to draw up the list of the deceased's property within 5 days of his death. So, on 13th October 1468, Isotta accompanied the notary in a survey of her husband's last home: Castel Sismondo. The "Isotta's inventory" is a precious and unique proof about the Malatesta court told through the things belonged to Sigismondo.
By Elisa Tosi Brandi. In collaboration with the State Archives of Rimini.


Museo della Città 'Luigi Tonini, via Tonini 1 - Rimini historic centre

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