Palazzo Valloni - Fulgor Cinema

After the restoration, the Cinema attended by Fellini in his youth, raised the curtain again in 2018

The building is located in Corso d'Augusto 162 and it was owned by the noble brothers Demofonte and Aurelio Valloni. After the earthquake, in 1787, the facade was rebuilt on design by the architect Giuseppe Valadier. During the years the building has undergone several changes. In 1920 it was open as Cinema Fulgor, owing to a restoration realized by Addo Cupi.
Cinema Fulgor is a place that had always fascinated Federico Fellini, who as a boy attended it many times and nourished himself with dreams and celluloid myths. Fulgor is evoked in his film “Amarcord” and “Rome”. The cinema had been closed to the public for some years and now it has reopened as part of the new Fellini Museum on the occasion of Fellini's birthday anniversary.
After five years of restoration and refurbishment, today it is possible to admire a unique cinematographic hall set by Dante Ferretti and brought back to that ancestral and magical dimension that makes Fulgor the very symbol of cinema as the art of evasion and dream. In the scenographic set-up he designed for Fulgor, Ferretti has poured all his love for cinema and its history; it is an unusual setting that fascinates and disorients, accustomed as we are to rooms conceived as neutral black boxes; a real cinematographic staging that enhances the memory and the magic of this place. It seems to us that we are on the set of a film, perhaps right on the set of that Maciste in hell, which was the first film that Fellini saw at Fulgor on his father's lap. It is an exhibition that pays homage to American cinema of the thirties and forties, when the films were bigger than life, and that plays and is measured with the legend of this hall and the genius that made it immortal.
The aim is to make of Fulgor a place of culture which is at the same time content - the dream, the magic, the passion of cinema - but also container: a collective place, where to meet, compare, have fun together, being able to enjoy, as well as films in programming, also exhibitions, presentations and concerts.