Palazzo Ghetti

This neoclassical-style building was built by architect Giovanni Benedettini in 1857, who had formely worked together with Poletti on the construction of the town theatre. 
Originally the building was a match factory belonging to "Cav." Nicola Ghetti, who also had his home here. 
Palazzo Ghetti boasts a large four-sided court connecting the gateway to the courtyard through arcades.
The building is hosting the offices of Banca Malatestiana.

Nicola Ghetti (1813 - 1883)
Born in Rimini on 11 May 1813, he was the son of a humble shopkeeper. Following scientific progress Nicola Ghetti got to invent the 'matches formula'
After having patented it, he received the gold medal from the Italian Institute of Sciences and Arts and began the matches production by founding a company that became famous throughout Europe: 'the new matches in the Ghetti style'.
Thanks to his managerial skills and his attention to safety at work, he set up the factory in Borgo San Giovanni, now Palazzo Ghetti, according to cutting-edge industrial production systems.
He takes care of the well-being and health of workers and introduced time flexibility and shifts in favor of working women.
He was an enlightened predecessor of the principles of modern industry.