Chiesa di Santa Giustina

Church devoted to St. Therese from Lisieux

The first document attesting the existence of S.Giustina Church is the Pope Lucio II's Bull in the 21st May 1114. It is supposed to be built long before even if we don't know exactly where it was located, whether on the bank of Marecchia river or close to Via Emilia. Most probably the sacred building's transfer took place because of the periodic and destructive floods of Marecchia.
It was completely bombed out during the last war as the German headquarters used its tower as an observation post.
The church is being completely restored from 1983 up to these days. The presbytery was entirely rebuilt together with the tabernacle (by artists from Ortisei) and the small winter church embellished by a fresco by Vaccarini Gioacchino.
Two windows decorated with angels adoring Prague Holy Child were added too.
Since 1996 the parish has become a reference point for devotees of Santa Teresa from Lisieux; the church hosted her body many times, drawing a lot of people from all over Italy.