Chiesa del Sacro Cuore di Gesù

The Church of the Icons

After the parish's setting up (on 20th March 1961), people felt the need to get a new church built since the nuns' one couldn't anymore hold all of them, especially in summer, because of crowds of visitors. The architect Luigi Fonti was charged with the task of making the plan of the church. In 1966 (November) the bishop Biancheri consecrated the vault's marble altar and dedicated it to Madonna 'Mater Ecclesiae'; on 19th November 1967 Biancheri consecrated the high altar and dedicated it to "Sacro Cuore di Gesù". Only in 1983 the parish priest was able to leave his lodgings and entered the new parsonage.

The parish of Mirmare has several icons, including
■Icona Sacro Cuore di Gesù
■Il Mosaico del Sacro Cuore di Gesù
■Icona Santa Maria Madre della Chiesa

The Nuns' Church is 50 metres away from the parish Church