Cattolica's Aquarium

The largest Aquarium of the Adriatic coast

The sharks are one of the main attraction of the Aquarium: 60 sharks of 16 different species, from the small Mediterranean ones to the big South African bull sharks, are swimming in the large pool of more than 700 000 liters of sea water in company with many pelagic fishes and other varieties of sharks.
The sharks are defined as terrible predators of the sea but are also one of species in risk of extinction due to a massive and indiscriminate fishing called finning (only the fins are taken and used for culinary uses - most in oriental countries). The "lady of the house" is the shark Brigitte, almost 3 meters, the most imposing creature of the Aquarium.
They are always sharks, even if they are...with wings, these are the viola pelagic breeds. You can admire them and even giving them a caress. There are more than 20 species in the large touch pool.
You can also enjoy the feeding moment of the fishes in fixed days and times - Info tel. 0541/8371

Since a couple of years there is a Nursery for Turtles, a protected area that will ensure a temporary period of convalescence to young turtles during which the staff of the Aquarium (biologists and veterinary) takes care of them to ensure their perfect state of health in order to reintroduced them in nature.

New in 2018: new fishes' species, new thematics like the Show: 'Abissi, terra aliena' and the 'Mangrovieto', new environmental reconstruction.
Dogs and other animals are welcome: in this structure, the access is allowed only to small dogs, which must be held in their arms, or kept in a pet carrier.

Aquarium of Cattolica: The magic of underwater cribs. Back for Christmas 2018, the review of underwater cribs, positioned in the display tanks, made by master craftsmen and potters.
The Park is open on December 8th, every Sunday in December and from January 26th to 6th, 2019, from 9.30 to 18.30 (closing boxes at 4.30pm). All paths are indoor.

Evening guided tour: The occasion for evening visitors is the free visit to the Blue "Evening aquarium" route, from 9.30pm to 11.30pm, until 31 August

Opening times

You can get a discount on the entrance fee by enrolling to Rimini Friends Club, Città Amica

Opening hours and period

Seasonal, From 1° April 2023

It is the largest aquarium on the Adriatic Sea and the second in Italy, and it combines culture, education, excitement and fun in an unique experience indicated to all ages. The Aquarium has four covered path where over 3,000 animals of 400 different species are hosted: sharks, penguins, otters, turtles, stingrays, jellyfish, chameleons and many other marine and terrestrial animals.

In the Aquarium of Cattolica you can admire the baby hammer sharks, visit the nursery of sea turtles, follow a path entirely dedicated to exotic animals and the large exhibit of Humboldt penguins, where this year Pic-Nic was born, the most tender puppy in the world. It is the only Italian Aquarium to host the Asian otters, so tender and playful, as well as the Cuvier's dwarf caiman and the Piranha herbivores.

The interaction is one of the goals of the Aquarium: the experience, with the help of an expert, of stroking the purple stingrays, and together with the biologists it is possible to assist and live the moment of feeding of sharks, penguins, otters and purple stingrays. In the large aquarium, with over 700 thousand liters of seawater, are housed 11 specimens of sharks, including the biggest bull sharks in Italy.

Discover the four routes of the Aquarium:

Blue Route
Sharks, penguins, turtles and jellyfish are just a few of the species you may admire in this exciting journey.

Yellow Route
A journey to discover the baby caymans and the most tender and playful mammals in the animal world: the otters.

Green Route
A world full of excitement and fun with the exotic animals such as chameleons, frogs, insects and snakes in a suggestive enviroment.

Purple Route
A unique opportunity to discover the sounds produced by the inhabitants of the seas. Thanks to the installation of various pools it is possible to discover the communication between fish and invertebrates.