Il Gelato - The ice cream

The Italian ice cream is famous all over the world, and in particular the 'ARTISAN' homemade ice cream is a product in which Rimini has a leading role. The first ice cream parlors were opened in Rimini in the 40s and Rimini has hosted SIGEP, the leading trade fair of homemade ice cream in the world since 1979 and still takes place in the city every year.

While Emilia Romagna is among the regions with the greatest number of ice cream parlors, Rimini can be considered the "City of ice cream" for the presence of almost the entire supply chain for ice cream parlors. In Rimini are available training academies, the University, the industry leader exhibition (Sigep), large companies that produce semi-finished products, recognized as the biggest brands in the world. 

The recipe for excellent homemade ice cream is characterized by the use of fresh ingredients, such as milk, sugar, cream etc..(according to the taste to be produced), which are selected among high quality products and prepared with the right combination of all components.

The Ice Cream trade fair, SIGEP, takes place every year in January in Rimini Fiera, the expo centre in Rimini. 
Since 2014, Sigep and Carpigiani Gelato University have organized the Gelato World Tour in order to spread the culture of the Italian ice cream to people all over the world.

Among the ice-cream parlours in Rimini:

Gelateria Romana since 1947
Gelateria 3 Bis ecc.
Gelateria Il Castello
Gelateria della Fontana 
Gelateria La Piazzetta
Gelaterie Nuovo Fiore
Gelateria Pellicano
Gelateria Puro e Bio