Carnival sweets!

Sfrappole, castagnole e lasagnette di Carnevale

Dishes and ingredients: 
350 gr of flour - 30 gr of butter - 30 gr of sugar - 2 eggs- half a glass of cognac - half an orange juice.
Mix the ingredients in order to get a dough; let it stand for 15 min. and roll it out giving shape to it. Fry in plenty of oil.

400 gr of flour - 100 gr of sugar - 50 gr of lard- 1 sachet of yeast- 1 sachet of vanillin - rum - 2 eggs
Mix the ingredients in order to get a dough; let it stand for 10 min. Make it into as big pellets as hazelnuts, fry them. Dip them in "Alchermems" and in icing sugar in the end.

5 eggs - 700 gr of flour - 100 gr of butter -orange juice - sugar- 1 grated orange peel - 1 sachet of vanillin
Work the flour with sugar, eggs, orange peel and vanillin. Let the dough stand for 15 min. Roll it our as for noodles, add orange juice and sugar. Fry them and dredge with icing sugar in the end.

We suggest : Albana passito for wine