Marvellous Library

Visits to the ancient halls of the Gambalunga

An invitation to visit the ancient rooms of the seventeenth-century Palazzo Gambalunga, where the most prestigious volumes and precious furnishings of the first civic library in Italy are kept. The chiaroscuros of the seventeenth-century rooms and the explosion of light and colours of the eighteenth-century hall are the setting for the stories told by the globes, the armillary sphere and the precious codices and ancient books preserved in Gambalunga.

The ancient rooms can be visited on request by individual visitors during the opening hours of the Library. A booklet-guide in Italian or English is made available to them for a tour on their own.

For guided tours for groups in foreign languages, please contact the City Museum, which can organise a tour for a fee within their availability (

Library opening hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.; Sunday and public holidays closed. During the summer the Library is open only in the morning.