Discovering the Romagna food and wine traditions

Food and wine tourism is a new way of traveling that is conquering a growing number of enthusiasts, in search of flavors and authentic traditions. In this context, in fact, food takes on a new role, becoming the medium of a territory, a culture and values ​​linked to the land and its roots.
On the wave of this trend there are many possibilities to gain experience with VisitRimini's proposals and food and wine tours: from the discovery of culinary excellences in local farms with guided tours in vineyards and cellars that produce fine wines, or with tasting of salami and cheeses, to visits to ancient mills in the province of Rimini with tasting of DOP extra virgin olive oils, up to food tours at the food and fish market in Rimini.
A Cooking experience cannot be missed: choose between a traditional cooking lesson, an unforgettable experience led by a professional chef or by a true Romagna "Azdora", the queen housewife of the house in Romagna.

Discover all the proposals on the reference site!