
The city where the craftsmanship of ceramics boasts a centuries-old tradition

In Piazza del Popolo, between the arcades and the loggias, there is the discreet and balanced charm which the Manfredi family brought to Faenza in 1300. The rebirth of the manufacture of the ceramics that would make the town famous the world over took place in this period. Today, in fact, "faiance" is still the word used to refer to majolica in many European languages.

The International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza has one of the richest and most important collection of pottery in the world. In the museum you can discover the main producers of ceramics presented in different historic periods, from ancient times to nowadays.
Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza
Viale Baccarini, 19 – 48018 Faenza
Tel 0039 0546.697308/ 311 Fax 0546.27141
e-mail: didattica@micfaenza.org

Among the places worth visiting:
Palazzo Milzetti, Museo Nazionale dell’Età Neoclassica in Romagna
Via Tonducci,15 48018 Faenza(Ra) Tel.0546-26493 Fax 0546-21015
The palace (1795-1802) is a great expression of neoclassic art in Faenza