Marecchia Park

Park with cycle path that connects Rimini to Saiano along the river Marecchia

The Marecchia Park, also known as Parco XXV Aprile, was built in the seventies on the natural bed of the Marecchia, where until the thirties the river flowed. It is the largest civic urban park in Rimini.
From here starts the cycle path that accompanies the lower course of the Marecchia river from Saiano to the sea.
It is a real nature trail with vegetation closely linked to the watercourse that flows alongside (white poplar, black poplar, white willow, blackthorn, white thorn, dog rose ...)
Combining a more typically Po Valley fauna with a more Mediterranean one, you can meet animals such as the Buzzard, the Gray Heron, the Coot.
Along the park there are areas equipped for games and sports facilities. The course passes not far from the Rimini Golf Club.
Inside the park there is a fenced area where dogs can be left free without any limitation of leash and muzzle.



Tariffa cumulativa: 
Tariffa ridotta: 
[field_programma] [field_sommario] Area of 234.790 square metres