Bagno 73 Riviera (southerly) - Onde Beach

The beach area 73 is part of Onde Beach, wich includes beaches from area n. 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74. Customers can take advantage of the all services offered by Onde Beach: sports area, animation for adults and children, nursery, dog area, relax area and you can rent pedalo, canoes, chiringuito on the beach.


Accessibilità disabili: 
Accessible toilets
Job chairs for sea bathing


- Pets allowed - see detailed information
- Wi-Fi

Servizi spiaggia: 
Hot shower
Relax area
Servizi per bambini: 
Mini Club with staff
Children's playground
Nursery/changing table
Servizi sportivi: 
Five-a-side football court
Beach Volley court
Beach Tennis court
Table tennis
Servizi vari: 
Entertainment for the adults
Availability of newspapers