San Leo

30 km from Rimini

A crag overlooking the Marecchia valley
San Leo fortress is constructed on a crag considered to be impregnable which appears to have resisted any human intervention. On entering through the single gateway that consents access to the village, one immediately takes note of the stupendous evidence of culture and civilization, from the square with its Romanesque Parish Church to the Duomo and the fortress where Cagliostro was imprisoned. Read more about what to see in San Leo

Between history and legend
Giuseppe Balsamo, called Count Cagliostro, was born in Palermo in 1743 and lived by his wits during his youth. During his life he became an important figure in Masonic circles.
The mystery that surrounds Cagliostro's many activities, helps to keep alive the interest on him.
His fame as an alchemist and healer reached the most important courts in Europe, from London to St. Petersburg, where he became friends with important personalities such as Schiller and Goethe. At the court of Versailles, he met the powerful Cardinal de Rohan, who involved him into the mysterious affaire du collier, a plot to defame the Queen Marie Antoinette and that opened the way for the French Revolution.
He openly challenged the Curch by founding a Lodge dedicated to Egyptian Rites and assuming the title of "Gran Cofto d’Egitto".
But the Inquisition arrested him 27th December 1789 and sentenced him to death. Pope Pius VI gave him the grace and the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in the fortress of San Leo. Here he was confined in a cell without doors into which he was lowered through a trapdoor in the ceiling.
On 26th August 1795, the famous adventurer, died in the fortress due to a stroke.

Opening time of the Fortress and Museum of Sacred Art

Local cuisine: the choice of various types of pasta includes hand-rolled strozzapreti made without the addition of eggs. 
Rabbit roasted with wild fennel is a typical dish; the pecorino cheese is "authentic" and the spiced cotechino sausage with legumes is unusual; the Prosciutto di Carpegna ham is especially delicious.

Wines: Tradition dictates that the robust Sangiovese wine should accompany the area's cuisine. Among the white wines there is Trebbiano and Frizzantino Galante, a sparkling wine produced in Verucchio.

Purchases and souvenirs: Ceramic items that may be purchased include pharmacy jars. In the square there is an expert antique furniture restorer. 
The 16th November 2013, the Italian Post Office has released a special stamp dedicated to S. Leo. It is a limited edition in the series dedicated to the tourism. An acknowledgment which also Scanno, the Ponza island and Tropea has obtained in 2013

In Pietramaura, 3km from San Leo, visitors can find a place where they still weave wool blankets by hand.

A look around: before reaching to San Leo, turning right on a secondary street, one finds the Romanesque parish church of Sant’Igne, with a nice courtyard. Also the woods of Monte Carpegna (1415 mlm), with a stop on the Eremo, are well worth a visit.