
Montefiore Conca is a small village in the Rimini hinterland, located in the southern area of ​​the province of Rimini, on the border with the Marche, in the valley of the Conca river.
It is one of the most intact and fascinating towns of the Malatesta Lordship. It is no coincidence that Montefiore is part of the prestigious circuit of the "most beautiful villages in Italy".

The Medieval Castle of Montefiore as a stone sentinel of the Malatesta lands, offers, with its severe and imposing geometries, truly unique views. It stands on a promontory where, on clear days, the gaze embraces the coast from Fano to Ravenna.
The finds recovered in the excavations of the Rocca reveal customs and traditions of castle life between the mid-fourteenth and the end of the sixteenth century
To visit the castle, reservation is required (Compatibly with the current health emergency and with the latest DPCM, in order to ensure safety and compliance with the rules dictated by the government and the region).

Entrance fee

Info, reservations and timetables: Tel. +39 0541 980179; Cell. +39 349 4449144



Not far from the village, stands the Cella di Bonora Sanctuary, a destination for many faithful.
It owes its origin to a hermit named Ondidei di Bonora, who had a sacred image painted in a room of his humble house: the Madonna nursing the Child.
He left his goods to the Franciscan Tertiaries who were succeeded, in 1963, by the Nuns of the Sacred Heart. The sanctuary was then completely renovated in the early decades of the twentieth century.
The Marian image still retains an archaic fourteenth-century flavor and dominates the modest church from the high altar. Numerous votive offerings in the sacristy testify the cult and graces received by the faithful.


Among the traditional events of Montefiore:
Rocca di Luna: Every year, during the full moon week of July
Chestnut Festival: Sundays in October
Olive Festival: It is held in Serbadone (part of the Municipality of Montefiore Conca) in November
Living nativity scene: Period December - January
Via Crucis: In Piazza della Libertà, Easter

Events may change due to the ongoing health emergency.