The TIME magazine recommends the Teatro Galli among the 100 places to visit

Published on: 6 September 2019

There is also the reborn Teatro Galli in the World’s Greatest Places ranking of the TIME.
The most important American magazine awards the Amintore Galli Theatre, by recognizing the value of a place that has returned to its former splendor, since the bombardments of the II world war, appreciating the charm of the restoration and the richness of the program.
It is not a simple place to visit but also to live. Since its reopening on 28 October 2018, the theater has hosted great events and famous artists such as M° Riccardo Muti, the London Symphony Orchestra or the Rotterdam Philarmonic Orchestra, the Noureev dance contest or Rimini Meeting and Ulisse Fest performances.
For the Time the Galli theater is an unmissable experience to live, thanks also to a guided tour or attending one of his shows on the bill.
Info: +39 0541.53399 (tourist information office)