Rimini - Foto d'Autunno 2019, autumn review with photo exhibitions dedicated to the Journey

Published on: 4 September 2019

The eighth edition of the photo exhibition 'Rimini- Foto d'Autunno ',dedicated to the theme of the 'JOURNEY' will be held at the City Museum, the Galleria dell'Immagine and the Corniceria Ruggero.

The journey is the theme of the "Trans-Siberian" by Marco Pesaresi, which completes the author's trilogy to which the Municipality of Rimini has so far dedicated the first two stages; "Underground", on the metros in the world, and Rimini ', a passionate look at his city (7 September - 13 October 2019, Galleria dell'Immagine).

The second exhibition "Dante exile 2019: a journey in today's Italy / human atlas of the 'exiles'in Romagna" is a project that intends to link Dante, a great historical exile, to the exiles of our time. The idea for the new Dante Exile 2019, is to create a real "human, landscape and cultural atlas" through a journey across the Romagna, from the borders to the center and on the coast. The exiles of reference will be those who make uncommon choices, the artists, those who still create artistic and cultural forms "invisible" to most people (22 September - 10 October 2019, New wing of the City Museum , first floor).

"Locals" is a journey around the portrait in contemporary Italian photography. The portrait is the photographic genre par excellence, the first reason why photography was born. In Locals, the portrait is presented in an ambiguous formulation, with maximum attention to the subject but with a look that goes beyond the borders of the visible (5 October- 3 November 2019, New wing of the City Museum, second floor).

Another exhibition is dedicated to Nikos Beloyannis, symbol of the Greek resistance,on the occasion of the 75th year of the Liberation of the city. The human and political story of Beloyannis is also a journey through the history of Greece from 1912 to 1974, the year in which the country freed itself from the dictatorship of the colonels and conquered democracy. The exhibition will be inaugurated Saturday 7 September with the presentation by Dario De Jaco, curator of the exhibition ( 8 - 29 September, Sala delle Teche, City Museum)