POSTPONED - "The Seventh Art - Cinema and Industry"

Published on: 30 January 2020

> Postponed according to the provisions of the Ministerial Decree of March 4, 2020 <

Telling, promoting and discussing on the industry and the professions of cinema.

After the success of the first edition, the 'Seventh Art - Cinema and Industry' returns to Rimini, the Film Festival conceived and created by Confindustria Romagna, Cinema Fulgor, University of Bologna - Department of Sciences for Quality of Life, with organizational support of Romagna Servizi Industriali, in collaboration with the Municipality of Rimini and with the patronage of Anica.

From 3 to 5 April 2020, three days of free events open to the public, that on the occasion of the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of Maestro Federico Fellini's birth, will acquire even more relevance

A format that in 2020 has an itinerant development. Projections, previews, master classes, debates and exhibitions that culminate, on April 5th, at the Galli Theater with the ceremony of the Confindustria Romagna Award "Cinema and Industry". The Prize is awarded to those who have distinguished such as producers, distributors, screenwriters, set designers, costume designers, composers, directors of photography. The winners are chosen by the jury of experts chaired by Pupi Avati.

At the center of the 2020 edition, various moments are dedicated to Fellini. Among these, the project conceived by Igort, one of the greatest and most respected Italian authors, who will tell Fellini in the relationship between cinema / illustration and comics. With Igort, in the meetings that will involve the public, numerous other national cartoonists will be involved in the project.

The spirit of sharing with important cultural partners for the realization of the scheduled events has also been confirmed and attention to young people with moments of training will not be missing.