Bathing Estabilishments on the beach

All bathing estabilishments in Rimini are easily accessible to disable people by means of gliding slides at the entrance, leading to gangways large enough to accommodate wheel chairs and to the WC facilities built in compliance with law regulations.

Eco-accessible bathing estabilishments:

Bagno 27
piazzale Kennedy - Marina centro
tel. 0541 26958

Bagno 38 Egisto
via Dati, 182 - Viserba (northern area)
tel. 320 1144453


♦ accessibility equipment available by:
Rimini, Consorzio Operatori Marina Riminese​

A project realized by the Province of Rimini. The bathing estabilishment are totally accessible and the disable people are able to reach the sea shore and the water.
Services and equipments:
1 accessible toilet
1 accessible changing cabin equipped with a flexible shower and seat to facilitate showering
1 floating deck-chair
1 appropriately equipped Polynesian canoa
2 appropriately modified and equipped raised sun beds
tactile route and map on a floor-level lectern
information board with map

for further information:
Sustainable development
Provincia di Rimini
tel 0541 716307 fax 0541 716295