The Sagra Musicale Festival presents a new initiative - a documentary film dedicated to Zoroastre, the tragédie lyrique by Jean Philippe Rameau. It has been shot entirely inside the space of the Galli Theatre in Rimini, recently renovated. The public will be admitted on the set of the first performance in modern times as a part of the opera. The performance is entrusted to Theresia Youth Baroque Orchestra, conducted by Claudio Astronio, with the tenor Andres Montilla-Acurero and Martina Tardi, soprano.
The direction is by Gianni di Capua and the setting of the story, narrated by the actress Galatea Ranzi, is the courtyard of the theatre. th the aim is to reproduce the elements that led the young Casanova to face the translation of the libretto of Zoroastre. A transfigured version by the imagination that can be seen even in Fellini's Casanova. The production is carried out in collaboration with Rai 5.
Sala Ressi of the Theatre A. Galli - Rimini historic centre