Meeting for friendship among peoples

Passion for mankind

From Saturday 20 to Thursday 25 August 2022
Multiple Events

Summer festival with events, exhibits, music and shows. A markedly international festival, a melting pot of culturally-diverse accounts and experiences: this unique event tackles crucial topics, in a free open dialogue with the most interesting cultural, political and religious figures. 
The title of the 43rd edition is 'A passion for the person'. In times of great uncertainty, the challenge of how to live touches everyone; the courage to get involved once again, the need to build authentic relationships with anyone who becomes part of our human trajectory, are decisive elements in order not to succumb.
A packed program of events, among which there is the Meeting Music Contest - 2nd edition of the musical contest for young artists and bands, and the inaugural show inspired by one of the precious theatrical texts by G.K. Chesterton, "The Surprise".


Fiera di Rimini, via Emilia, 155 - Rimini
Free except some shows