Malatesta Music Festival: Sinopoli Youth Orchestra with Giovanni Sollima

sagra Musicale Malatestiana: Section of 'music and young people' in collaboration with Meeting Rimini

Questo evento è parte di:
Sunday 21 August 2022

In collaboration with the Meeting for Friendship among Peoples at the Galli Theater, a concert by fifty very young musicians from different Italian cities and gathered in an orchestra that has chosen to be named after the great conductor Giuseppe Sinopoli is proposed. .
Under the conduction of Carla Delfrate, plays Mozart and Haydn with the participation, as solo cello, of Giovanni Sollima, who has accepted to be involved in this important musical training project.


Teatro Amintore Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini historical centre
Fee payable
Tariffa d'ingresso: 
15 €


Orchestra Giovanile Sinopoli

Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, Ouverture
Haydn Concerto in C major for cello and orchestra
Mozart Sinfonia n. 40 in sol min KV 550

In collaboration with Meeting for friendship among peoples-Meeting per l'amicizia tra i popoli

Additional information

The online sale is available from Sunday 22 May at 10.00am, subject to the availability of seats. With the online purchase it will not be necessary to collect the ticket before the concert begins. It will be sufficient to show the print of the admission ticket to the hall staff upon entering the theater.
The presale continues from Tuesday 24 May 2022 at the ticket office of the Galli Theater at the following times: from Tuesday to Saturday 10.00am-2.00pm and Tuesdays and Thursdays also 3.00pm-5.30pm.


- by phone at +39 0541 793811 from Tuesday to Saturday from 12.00am to 2.00pm
- by e-mail to the address (it is essential to indicate a telephone number). Reservations are considered valid only if reconfirmed by the ticket office.