Malatesta, itinerant theatre performance in the rooms of Sismondo Castle

Conceived and interpreted by Gianluca Reggiani

week-ends in October 2018: on 4th -5th -6th -7th -9th -12th -13th -14th -18th -19th -20th -21st -25th -26th -27th

Itinerant show in the magnificent rooms of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta castle, produced by the Municipality of Rimini for the Malatesta celebrations, conceived and interpreted by Gianluca Reggiani, who also signs the direction. 
Taken from the text "Malatesta" by Henry de Montherlant, which was played by Arnoldo Foà in 1969, the performance recorded a continuous sold out for all the performances proposed in the last spring and from October 4th will return every weekend of the month , with 4 performances per week. On 9th October at 9.00 pm special evening for the 550 from the death of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta.
The show will be the prologue of the Theater Season 2018/2019 which wil be held in the new Galli Theatre for the first time after the reconstruction.


Rimini, Castel Sismondo, Piazza Malatesta
Tariffa d'ingresso: 