Celebrazioni Malatestiane 2017 – 2018

Rimini celebrates the 600 years of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta. The birth of humanism

Until October 2018
Multiple Events

The mind, the heart and the body: these are the three focuses of the initiatives that Rimini Municipality has defined to celebrate the anniversary of birth of an important figure in Rimini's history, symbolically linked to the Malatesta Temple, the Sismondo Castle and the City.
The calendar, that began on 19th June to celebrate Sigismondo Malatesta's birthday, continues throughout the year and beyond, until October (9th October 2018 is the 550th anniversary of his death). The program combines culture, leisure and sport initiatives to animate the new spaces, the city and the territory, which are ideally related to the project of urban requalification that began 2011.
The series of initiatives and events proposed during this period, such as exhibitions, conventions, concerts and other events, will be concluded with a theatre performance dedicated to 'Malatesta', inside Sismondo Castle, real residence of Sigismondo and one of the symbolic places in the history of Rimini and of the entire Malatesta lineage, creating a unique show. The event wil take place in the month of October and will be repeated all the weekends included Tuesday October 9th.


Rimini, different venues