Fire at the Castle

The World's Longest New Year's Eve: Fireworks, lights and sounds at Castel Sismondo

31 December 2023 - 1 January 2024
Folklore and Festivals

A spectacle of fireworks, lights and sounds sets Castel Sismondo alight.
A unique moment that puts the Malatesta Castle at the centre of a magic performance that will take us into the New Year amidst cascades of fireworks, coloured trails and flames and intermittent fountains in various colours, with shapes and effects synchronised to the time of music, ready to thrill the public on the most eagerly awaited night of the year. The show will be performed with suggestive choreographies and special new effects on the square in front of the Fortress and on the castle itself.
Two shows are scheduled at 00.30 and 02.00.


Castel Sismondo, piazza Malatesta - Rimini historic centre