Festival of Borgo Sant'Andrea and San Gaudenzo

Arts and Visions

from Saturday 12 to Monday 14 October 2024
Folklore and Festivals

Also in 2024, the Borgo Sant'Andrea festival returns to the heart of Rimini to celebrate its patron saint. 
This edition is dedicated to the theme of arts and visions: a dialogue between tradition and the future, where artistic expression becomes the vehicle for exploring and imagining new horizons. 
The village streets will come alive with performances by street artists, live shows and creative installations that will transform every corner into a visual and sensory experience. 
Alongside art, local gastronomy, craft markets and children's initiatives will enrich the programme, offering a complete experience for visitors of all ages. There will also be initiatives to keep the spirit of solidarity alive.
All the events of the Festa del Borgo are free of charge. The event is promoted by the provincial Acli of Rimini. 


Rimini, Borgo Sant'Andrea
Manifesto Festa del Borgo Sant'Andrea 2024