Piada d'autore

Traditional Recepy

The Recipe:

1 kilogramme of sifted white flour; 200 grammes of lard, softened and cut into pieces; 5 grammes of sodium bicarbonate; salt.

To prepare this recipe, you will need a special testo, or pan, or else a sandstone slab to cook the piadina. In the absence of both, an iron frying pan may be used. On a wooden board, sift the flour so that it forms a mound, then open a crater in the middle. Put the salt, baking soda and lard into the crater. Mix the ingredients together and add enough tepid water to obtain a dough that is not sticky.
Roll the dough out to a thickness of about 1-1.5 millimetres; cut out disks with a diameter of about 20 centimetres.
Heat the terracotta testo or the sandstone slab thoroughly. Place the disks of dough on the cooking surface and cook on both sides over a high flame, turning often. As it cooks, be sure to poke tiny holes into the piadina with the tines of a fork.
Voilà! The piadina is ready to be served, folded, with anything you might desire in the middle (prosciutto, salame, cheese, rucola, or as a dessert, with the legendary nutella).