‘Federico and his costumes’

Pubblicato il: 28 Gennaio 2015

‘Federico and his costumes’ is a special exibition of original costumes and objects appeared on set in the films "Roma" and "Casanova". It represents the homage that the municipality of Rimini and the study Foundation to Federico Fellini, pay to the "Maestro" in the tenth anniversary of his death.

The costumes collection has been purchased recently by the municipality of Rimini from the roman collector and fan of Fellini movies, Bruno Bossio.

This collection includes about 50 pieces designed from the famous costume designer Danilo Donati inspired from the "Director ".

It’s a known fact that Fellini, extraordinary drawer, instracted his collaborators ,sketching more or less definitively in the way he had in his mind.

On the basis of these sketches,the set and costume disegners realized in detail the perceptions of the Maestro.

In the exposed works therefore you can find the creative genius of Fellini. The safety and the enhancement (the choice of right and well located exibition periods) must be a due for his native town.

The costumes and more generally the stage decorations, are precious elements to preserve and enhance if you mean to transmit to the future generations the memory of a great "riminese" enriched of all his definitions.

The pieces that will be exibited are particularly meaningfull if you only think of the vestments used in the famous fashion parade of "Roma" (the film that the people living in Rimini had the chance of admiring in a new remake shown during the film review "Ciao Federico" this summerand organized by the Fellini Foundation) including the habits spotted with lights and those with metal and glasses and of the original beauty of the characters Costumes in "Casanova".

After the restoration work the collection will be utilized to organize an exibition together with the Study Foundation "Federico Fellini" in the Arengo palace starting from the 20th. September 2003.

The day before (19th. September 2003) it will be inaugurated in the presence of the Senate President sen. Marcello Pera and the sen. Sergio Zavoli in a private ceremony being prepared in agreement with the presidency of the Senate.

The exibition will be opened untill the 16th november; the guests of the International Study Meeting ,organized every year by the Foundation Fellini ,in memory of the 10th death anniversary of the Maestro,will have the chance to visit this precious exibition.The Meeting entitled "the memory of Federico Fellini in the worldwide cinema" at Teatro degli Atti this year will take place on 7th 8th 9th november .

The exibition, that includes the publication of a catalogue, after Rimini will be moved to Rome, Paris and finally left at the Fellini Foundation (V. Oberdan 1, Rimini – tel.0039 0541 50303).