
Stefano Pelloni (il Passatore), Masôn Dla Blona
In the traditional local stories, robbers took on an almost heroic connotation: they lost their characteristic of bloodthirsty bandits and became the symbol of romantic and popular revolt against the power.
Although in Romagna banditry was a reality and a problem for the poor people, the stories about their misdeeds made ​​them almost like little heroes who expressed the anxiety of freedom of the Romagna people who lived in poverty and hunger from the end of eighteenth century to the unification of Italy.
Among the figures that became legendary: Tommaso Rinaldini known as Mason dla Blona and Stefano Pelloni (1824-1851), known as "the courteous Passatore". In particular the name of the Passatore remained linked to the image of the idealized gentleman bandit who robbed the rich to give to the poor, a Robin Hood of "Romagna". Today the image of Passatore is a trademark for the wines of Romagna.