
St. Innocenza (c. 285-300)
From a noble family, she was born in Monte Tauro, in the Rimini hinterland, around 285. In the year 300 the emperor Diocletian, passing through Rimini, summoned a large group of Christians; he noticed, among them, the young and beautiful Innocenza and made some proposals that the girl rejected, proudly proclaiming her faith. The emperor ordered his proconsul Sebastiano to convince her by any means. Sebastiano gave Innocenza three days to meditate on his fate, then sent some henchmen to the palace of Monte Tauro to hear what the girl had decided. She was found whilst prying; furious, the henchmen pierced her breast with a sword on September 16th.

St. Gaudenzo/ Gaudenzio (?-360): Rimini's  Patron Saint
According to tradition, he was born in Ephesus. In Rome he was baptized, ordained priest and consecrated bishop. Sent to Rimini as a pastor, he vigorously fought the remains of paganism and heresy. He took part in the council of Rimini in 359, summoned to condemn Arius; Gaudenzo, with seventeen other bishops, left the council and went to Cattolica. Returning to Rimini, he openly attacked the Aryan positions. He was arrested s and lynched by the followers of Arius on October 14th 360.
San Guadenzio - whose cult is very old - is the patron saint of Rimini.
He is celebrated every year on 14th October