Davide Minghini

For forty years the official photographer of Rimini

Davide Minghini (1915-1987) was for forty years the official photographer of Rimini, narrator of images of Rimini's political and social life, friend and personal photographer of Federico Fellini.

After a long apprenticeship, in 1947 Minghini opened his own photographic studio in Corso d'Augusto, "Cine-foto D. Minghini". In 1955 he joined the Rimini edition of the "Resto del Carlino" as a photojournalist. Collaboration with ANSA and most of the local newspapers followed. Minghini's iconographic contribution to Rimini publications ranges from printing to publishing. For the tourist office he built the image of the modern tourist metropolis. In 1967 he collaborated for the photographic part in Fellini's "La mia Rimini". In 1971, at the request of friends of the Circolo della Stampa, he held his first personal exhibition in the Palazzo del Podestà; followed in December 1973 by the photographic exhibition "Minghini and Fellini's Amarcord" and in 1983 "Tatacord. Fellini's paths in the images of D. Minghini".

In May 1999 the imposing archive of Davide Minghini (1915-1987) is located by the will of his heirs in the Gambalunga Library: 530,544 negatives on film, 4,465 negatives on glass plate, 5,684 slides, 23,630 original photographic prints. An archive with half a million shots, of which cataloging and digitization has been underway since 2012. The chronological coverage, for the dated material, goes from 1956 to 1988. From the variety of themes, multiple iconographic paths are generated: the tourist economy, the evolution of customs, sport, culture, the transformation of the territory, '' activities of the municipal administration (public works, restorations, ceremonies and anniversaries, visits by foreign delegations and receptions of authorities). Other genres that characterize the Minghini archive concern industrial, architectural and landscape photography, the reproduction of works of art and documents, and photography for legal use; finally, the nucleus of private photographs, from portraits to family ceremonies.

The precious archive of over half a million shots, datable between 1956 and 1988 is still kept in the Gambalunga Library, and most of the digitized part can be consulted online.

To learn more https://bibliotecagambalunga.it/archivio-fotografico-davide-minghini