
This was the last of the localities in the south of Rimini to come into being, but it quickly developed in hotel hospitality with large and small hotels, restaurants, pubs and discos.
From here it is very easy to reach the historic centre of Rimini using bus and trolley-bus lines.

The tourist committee organizes "fish roasts", where Sangiovese wine is also served, as well as Italian bowls tournaments, sports meetings, music and gastronomic festivals, together with the traditional Summer market on Wednesdays evening.
There are also tennis and soccer courts in the nearby sporting centre.

For children there is the Riviera's version of Disneyland, Fiabilandia , where visitors can admire cartoon heroes, cowboys and Indians from the wild west and other fantastic sceneries - www.fiabilandia.it

Marina Centro Office (IAT)
P.le Fellini 3 - 47900 Rimini