Teatro Amintore Galli

Theatre, work of the architect Luigi Poletti

After 75 years - on October 28, 2018 - the Galli theater has re-opened its doors at the end of a long process of recovery and restoration to become the temple of music again.

Teatro Amintore Galli is the Municipal Theatre of Rimini. The construction began in 1843 and it was opened in 1857 with the opera "Aroldo" by Giuseppe Verdi.

In origine the theatre was called "Teatro Nuovo" (the New Theatre) and it changed name in 1859 to Teatro Vittorio Emanuele II. Only later, in 1947, it was entitled to the composer Amintore Galli (1845-1919).
The project (1841-43) was signed by Luigi Poletti, who was an architect and engineer of the Papal States. The six originale tables of the project, which he submitted 29th January 1842 in Rimini, were lost during the earthquake 1916. However, there are 6 photographs (by Luigi Perilli) dating back to 1900 and five watercolor drawings of the original design.
The last performance of the theatre dates back to the spring 1943 because, afterwards, much of the building was destroyed by the Second World War bombings. The apse and the roof were collapsed, and about 90 percent of the auditorium and the stage were destroyed. The only part that remained almost undamaged is the foyer.

Luigi Poletti designed the Municipal Theatre of Rimini as a temple of music. He was inspired by the solemnity and magnificence of Roman temples and proposed a innovative style; a monumental building in a classic architecture (greek-roman), which distinguished the theatre from others in Europe in that period. The auditorium with the stage and the gallery contained more than a thousand seats.

If a restoration was partly realized between 1997 and 2001, in 2010 the Municipality has programmed a complete reconstruction of the theatre remaining as much as possible faithful to the original scheme although respecting the new security rules. The restoration project and the philological and typological study of the theatre were under the Supervision of the regional Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage and Cultural Activities of Emilia Romagna. The restoration works, started in 2014, reached the first important step on 17th September 2015 with the opening of the foyer of the theatre. On the occasion, after 158 years, the piano played by Giuseppe Verdi during the opening of the Theatre Galli in August 1857, came back to Rimini and once again was played during the opening cerimony.

The restoration work have provided an exceptional opportunity for Archaeological excavations that have affected the areas below the auditorium, the orchestra pit, the stage and the side rooms that overlook the square and via Poletti. Owing to the important archaeological finds, now the restoration project also includes the enhancement of part of the structures found underneath the pit and a Multimedia Museum.

After 75 years the Galli theater reopened on October 28th, 2018 with a three-days-cerimony with the wonderful voice of Cecilia Bartoli, the extraordinary presence of Roberto Bolle, world-famous dance artist and of the great Russian master Valery Gergiev. A two-month inauguration period which included special events, international stars, Sagra MusicaleMalatestiana (Malatesta Music Festival), prose season and exhibition of the artistic excellence of the territory.

Now it is possible to visit the theater with scheduled tours. Info: +39 0541.53399 (tourist information) - +39 0541 704428 (Culture department). 

Virtual Tour 

Since 2018 in the Foyer of the nineteenth-century Theater it is also possible to get married. The Teatro Galli can host not only the civil ceremony but wedding parties too, for a fabulous ceremony.
Info: www.riminiweddingdestination.it