The ancient mills along the Val Conca Valley

Mulino Casarola.
The mill (mulen) is located about 3 km from Morciano, in the territory of S.Clemente; the building complex, which includes mill, sawmill and house, was built in 1726; it is a "horizontal" hydraulic mill in which the water, coming from the pit, drives the wooden blades of a wheel placed under the floor of the building. 
Mulino dei Malatesta
It was built around 1400 by the Malatesta family along the "Pedrosa" road, at the end of the "Paglialunga" coast. This mill boasted important building works to ensure a continuous water supply. 
Mulino Rossi
Si trova presso il fiume in zona Santa Maria Maddalena e fa parte di un grosso complesso di costruzioni. Anche questo mulino ad acqua, come il precedente, fu fatto costruire dai Malatesta.
Mulino Valle 
in  S.Clemente, 1 Km from San Gregorio's Abbey.
Mulino Trado
It was located in S.Clemente on the left bankof the river near the bridge of Morciano. The old building was transformed into a home by the current owners who still call it the "mill house".