The Po Delta Park of Emilia Romagna

The Po Delta Park was set up in 1988 with a special regional law and it is rich of natural environments areas which hosting many different species of fauna and flora, linked to the present diversity of habitats. The Park is also of great interest for its historical and cultural aspects.

6 stations: Homogeneous territorial Areas:
1 Volano, Mesola, Goro 13.730 ha
2 Centro Storico di Comacchiom 6.715 ha
3 Valli di Comacchio 15.105
4 Pineta San Vitale e Piallase di Ravenna 7.336
5 Pineta di Classe e Saline di Cervia 8.286
6 Campotto di Argenta 2.481 ha

11 Ramsar Zone (Iran, 1971)
17 Sites of Coummunity Interest
14 Special Protection Zone (SPA)
40 km of coast of the total 90 km in the whole Emilia-Romagna Region

297 species of birds found:
146 species breeding
151 species wintering

about 55.000 wintering birds and breeding 35.000

374 species of vertebrates
53 species of fish
10 amphibians
15 reptiles
41 mammals

More than 1000 species of plants


Birdwatching routes
Teaching circuit
Guided excursions in the Salina of Comacchio
By boat in the valleys of Comacchio