Excursions with Romagna Slow

Romagna Slow is a start-up (winner in 2016 of the second prize of New Ideas-New Enterprises) formed by a team of qualified Guides and walkers with various professional experiences in the fields of tourism promotion, communication, education and adult education.
A series of itineraries on foot and by bicycle, experiential journeys and daily excursions in the mountainous and hilly territory of the provinces of Rimini, Forlì-Cesena, Pesaro and Arezzo, for over 500 km of trails.
The aim is to promote and make known the system of paths that cross Romagna and Montefeltro, a real set of itineraries able to combine the historical, artistic and environmental resources of our hinterland.
A astonishing territory with its landscapes that are now in the memory of humanity, under the gaze of Sigismondo, along the lands of Piero and the balconies of Montefeltro, between the castles of magicians and the shelters of saints and poets.
The trips, have been designed both for expert walkers and beginners, so that everyone can cross the world, slowly, from town to town.