Franciscan Itinerary

In the footsteps of St. Francis in Rimini

A walk in the heart of the city to discover the architectural buildings of the Franciscan order and precious works of art.
First stop the splendid Church of San Bernardino, dating back to the eighteenth century and designed by architect Giovan Francesco Buonamici from Rimini, which holds an interesting painting by Donato Creti.
Before reaching the Malatesta Temple you can stop at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Mercy, and admire a painting of the seventeenth century, Santa Chiara, who drove away the Saracens. Then you will reach the Temple of San Antonio, evidence of the presence of the great Franciscan preacher in Rimini.
Cathedral since 1809, the Malatesta Temple had been the church of the Franciscans from 1257. In 1299 they called Giotto, who painted the stories of the life of St. Francis soon after the pictorial cycle in Assisi. The frescoes were unfortunately destroyed during the Malatesta time, and only the Crucified survived as a model for the masters of the fourteenth century Rimini school. By another important Tuscan artist, Giorgio Vasari, is the painting of St. Francis receiving the stigmata on Mount La Verna.