Guided tours to the Tiberius Bridge

Unusual charming visions of the ancient Roman bridge by boat

An original trip by boat under the old Bridge's archades. For 2000 years, residents and travellers have been crossing the Tiberius Bridge in the city of Rimini. It’s not only a link between the two sides of the Marecchia river but a connection between different people, a symbol of confrontation (not always peaceful) between civilizations.
The water, which has always been a source of life, is poetry, a poem which speaks to us of everydays life and benevolence of nature. Tiberius Bridge is one of the few bridges which can claim this venerable age. This fact, in addition to its solidity and resistance, has always been an attractive surprise and has created the legend of the "devil’s bridge".

It was built with advanced techniques and is also full of a decorative symbols. It’s mentioned in many history books and Andrea Palladio drew inspiration  from its perfect proportions for the costruction of the Rialto Bridge in Venice. In 1885 it was declared national monument.

With the initiatve THE BRIDGE UP SIDE DOWN visitors don’t see the Bridge "from above", as they normally do, but are able to pass under its archades by boat discovering the bridge from a different perspective.

The visit to discover this monument is realized by boat, gliding on water level under the Bridge.
In this way many details and peculiarities of the bridge, that normally remain hidden, can be admired. One of its arches was demolished in the first Middle Ages and was mined by the Germans during the retreat at the end of the II World War. Who knows in how many other occasions it has run the risk to perish. But it is still there as a witness of the past glory, and squeeze an eye to the future. Perhaps, in the future, when streets are no longer necessary, it will reminds us what we were.

The Association Marinando organizes guided tours by rowing boat “Different perspectives” on occasion of events. In the Summer evenings another initiative is proposed: "Rowing under the bridge", which provides small rowing boats for evocative and romantic views of the bridge in autonomy under and around its arches. There are also special sailing "dream" tours with the presence of an instructor.

Guided tours (with a participation fee) are available on request during the year with a minimum of 7 participants

In October, on the occasion of "The families month", the association proposes "A fairytale bridge .." with guided tours on board of a motor boat under the arches of the ancient Tiberius Bridge among fairytales and legends.

The boats are also accessible to disabled people with wheelchairs (excluding electric ones).

For information and booking, please call +39 334.7805113 - 333.4844496
Participation with free offer
The proceeds will be used for the management and care of the boats and the seat of the association located in the Tiberius Bridge area.