
The passion Paolo and Francesca lives on in the medieval village

It is mentioned for the first time in documents from 1032 as "curte gradariae". Its origins are quite remote and the entrance archway to the village, given its unusual structure, is most certainly older than the walls and may date back to the Roman period. The walls surrounding the centre have passages which allow visitors, especially on summer nights, to enjoy an atmosphere and panorama that are truly enchanting. The Malatestas, who established themselves here around 1260, built the Castle which can still be visited today; in the palace Chapel there is a "Madonna and Saints" in glazed terracotta done by Andrea Della Robbia. Gradara's fame is however undeniably linked to Dante's poem and to the line "galleotto fu il libro e chi lo scrisse" which opens the tragic story of the love and death of Paolo and Francesca.

Gradara Castle opening time
Monday closed
from Tuesday to Sunday 8.30 - 18.30
Closed on 25th December and on 1st January
(Opening time may vary)
Guided Tour Booking office
+39 340 1436396 (Pro Loco) o +39 0541 964673 (Iat Gradara)

History Museum
Torture instruments, pictures and costumes reminding Paolo and Francesca's love affair and tragedy, scene of life from the peasan society, medieval caves.
Piazza V Novembre 8/9 Gradara
Tel. +39 338 1034043;  +39 0541 969586

Cuisine: Gradara's cuisine is deliciously homely, with specialities of both Romagna and Marche.
In the surrounding seaside areas the fish specialties can be simple or elaborate, but the high quality is always the same.

Wines: In this small town situated on the border between Romagna and Marche, excellent Sangiovese and even Trebbiano can be found.

Purchases and souvenirs: In addition to the typical souvenirs usually found in this area, visitors may purchase local gastronomic products.