The upper Marecchia Valley

Sant'Agata Feltria, Novafeltria, Pennabilli, Casteldelci, Maiolo, Talamello

The Marecchia Valley penetrates into the Apennine areas of the Marche region where, among woods and clearings, there are the small villages to which Tonino Guerra, international poet and art designer native from Romagna,has devoted his attention, leaving works of art that are striking because of their settings and originality.

Until 1941 Novafeltria was called Mercatino Marecchia and in recent years it has become the linchpin of the Upper Marecchia Valley Mountain Community due to the the excellent progress that has been made in the areas of commerce, tourism and services. There are interesting buildings such as the 18th century Palazzo Municipale, which once belonged to the Counts Segni of Bologna, the Romanesque Church of Santa Martina and the Church of San Pietro in Culto, dating back to 950.

Pennabilli came into being in 1350 after the unification of the castles of Penna and Billi. The village of Penna was founded sometime around the 5th century and its castle is considered to be the first owned by the Malatesta family.

Sant'Agata Feltria was dominated by the imposing 10th century Fregosa Fortress, which was later embellished by Francesco di Giorgio Martini with the addition of two polygonal bastions. The convent of the Clarisses preserves rare 12th and 14th century parchments. In the square, beside the Palazzo Comunale, there is the small Mariani Theatre, a real jewel of audience boxes made entirely of wood.

and also Casteldelci, Maiolo, San Leo e Talamello

How to get there

by car: Rimini - Novafeltria, Strada Statale 258 Marecchiese, 35km; Sant'Agata Feltria 12km from Novafeltria, turn right; Pennabilli 10km from Novafeltria, turn left 5km after the inhabited area.

by bus: Service is provided by the public transport Tram Rimini (Tel: 0541-300533) and by Autolinee Benedetti bus lines(0541-903854). Bus 161 - 162

by bike: See San Leo, then continue toward the various localities, bearing in mind that the route reaches an altitude of 275m in Novafeltria, 630m in Pennabilli and Sant'Agata Feltria, with roads that are not without bends and steep inclines.