Italian Nordic Walking school

The newest fitness craze: Nordic Walking
Imported from the cold Scandinavia, Nordic Walking has been proved to be perfect for the heat in the Rimini Riviera. It is the new trendy summer sport – a speedy walk with the use of two ski sticks and the basic movements of cross-country skiing. Nordic walking melts the contractions of shoulders and neck, strengthens the immune system and is a great “anti stress”. It is possible to practice this sport during the whole year.

In Rimini you can practise this sport with instructors by SINW (Italian Nordic Walking school):

A.S.D. La Pedivella
Via Bertoloni, 46 - Rimini
Tel.: +39 0541 770926
Mobile: +39 320 7433000

A.S.D.Golden Club Rimini International
Via IX febbraio 1849, 3 - Rimini
Tel./Fax (+39) 0541-731416 
328 4659162

Scuola Wellness Nordic Walking 
Via XX settembre 1870, 134 - Rimini
333 19.35.304

In the province of Rimini, the school certified by SINW is in Misano (former Batek ranch area): A.S.D.C. Conca Valley.