Even Rimini which is overlooking the sea can offer birdwatching in the city. In one of the many green parks or in the wetlands you can spend your free time in a new way and with particular attention to nature. The best time is spring, with the passage of several species of migratory species.
Recommended places:
* Molo Grande (strolling along the harbour and Largo Boscovich): you can admire the small grebe, the great-crested grebe, several species of terns, including Sterna sandvicensis, the common sterna (Sterna hirundo), the common Chlidonias niger and the Chlidonias leucopterus with the white wings.
* Bridge over Marecchia (via Coletti): possibility to see the kingfisher.
* Viserba(from the seafront - Viale G. Data): do not miss the performance of the cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo).
(from "La Voce di Rimini", 18 March 1999, Roberto Venturini).
For further information we suggest to contact:
* le Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie
Via Marecchiese, 195
e-mail: corpogevrimini@gmail.com
or the enviromental guides of Rimini area.

info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it